Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tips for Healthy Digestion during the Holidays

Digesting fats for the holidays...

Sour taste increases bile production from the liver.  Bile breaks up fat into little tiny bits that are easier to digest.  By flushing bile, sour taste assists the liver in detoxifying the blood.  So what are some sour foods we can add during the holidays?  How about creating a chutney with cranberries, apples and pineapple.  For an added bonus you can ferment these with the whey from straining plain yogurt.  I'm not a huge fan of cranberries but I love this combo.  I use pink lady apples and coconut sugar.  Here is a link to the recipe. 

Stimulate digestion...

Ginger stimulates digestion by speeding up movement of the food from the stomach to the small intestine.

Peel and slice a 2 inch piece of fresh ginger
Add to 3 cups of boiling water
Brew for 5 minutes, strain and sip the tea slowly

Alleviate digestive distress...

Lemon activates the liver to release toxins and helps to move roughage that stays behind in the intestines.

Mix half of a juice lemon with 8 oz of warm water.  Drink upon waking on an empty stomach.

Natural digestive enzymes...

Pineapples contain the digestive enzyme bromelain, and papayas contain papain.

Create juice from these fruits in either a juicer or vita-mix.  They will help to relieve gas, upset stomach, and the occasional constipation and diarrhea.

Reduce bloating...

Caffiene free herbal teas can reduce uncomfortable bloating.  These are some of my favorites...

Peppermint - dissipates gas and relieve indigestion
Chamomile - anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic
Lemon Grass - soothes digestive system and calms the nerves

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